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  • #1076290


    thanks for your awsome work. I have been an Enfold customer several times and always very satisfied.

    Now I have a question regarding PHP Code in Posts: I want to include a URL with a PHP Shortcode. I tried “Insert PHP Plugin” and “PHP everywhere”, but both do not work on my enfold site. It doesn’t display anything. I am using PHP 7.1 and WP 5.1 and the current versioin of Enfold. I tried several editors and

    On other websites with different themes the same PHP code works with both plugins.

    In other threads I read something about using a new template for posts, however, it’s been a long time that I created a new template (and that was with a different theme). Is there any documentation for Enfold which I could use? I another thread I read that you mention the Shortcode API, but this is beyond my abilities.

    This topic affects this one website where I want to include a URL (it is a web app) and additionally I am thinking about switching another website to Enfold which also uses PHP Shortcodes. Therefore, I really hope, there is a chance to implement it.

    Thanks again for your work and best regards


    Hey jazzminus,

    Can you please share a mockup of what you’re trying to achieve with this code?

    Best regards,


    Hey Victoria,

    thanks for following up! I am not sure what is meant by mockup. But what I am trying to do is include what is displayed by the web app I posted in the private data section of my previous post.

    Best regards,


    Hi Victoria,

    i asked the plugin authors for advice and this is what they told me to use:

       echo file_get_contents('https:/.../');
      echo 'Cannot connect: allow_url_fopen is false';

    Now it works. Is it a good solution from your point of view?

    Best regards

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 3 months ago by jazzminus.


    Yes, that’s a valid code. Is it rendering the content of the source properly?

    Best regards,



    yes, thank you. So we can close the thread.

    Best regards



    Cool. We’ll close the thread now.

    Have a nice day.

    Best regards,

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