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  • #382439

    Hi Kriesi,

    Is there a possibility to remove the <br> that is added after special headings. This only happens when the headings are placed inside a block element.

    <h4 class='av-special-heading-tag'  itemprop="headline"  >Openingstijden</h4><div class='special-heading-border'><div class='special-heading-inner-border' ></div></div></div><br />
    <section class="av_textblock_section"  itemscope="itemscope" itemtype="" ><div class='avia_textblock '   itemprop="text" ><p><strong>Maandag</strong> : 09:00 – 18:00<br />
    <strong>Dinsdag</strong> : 09:00 – 18:00<br />
    <strong>Woensdag</strong> : 09:00 – 18:00<br />
    <strong>Donderdag</strong> : 09:00 – 18:00<br />
    <strong>Vrijdag</strong> : 09:00 – 18:00<br />
    <strong>Zaterdag</strong> : 09:00 – 17:00<br />
    <strong>Zondag</strong> : Gesloten</p>

    Hi Stefanovic!

    Can you send us a link to your page so we can get a better idea of what’s going on?

    From the code you provided it looks like the line breaks are from hitting enter in the Visual editor of your textblock element.


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    For the second and third columns you have this.

    <div style="padding-bottom:10px;" class="av-special-heading av-special-heading-h3    avia-builder-el-4  el_before_av_textblock  avia-builder-el-first  "><h3 class="av-special-heading-tag" itemprop="headline">Hello</h3>

    You can see the bottom padding of 10px there. For the first column you have this.

    <div style="padding-bottom:0px;" class="av-special-heading av-special-heading-h3  blockquote modern-quote  avia-builder-el-1  el_before_av_textblock  avia-builder-el-first "><h3 class="av-special-heading-tag" itemprop="headline">Hello</h3>

    Which the padding is set to 0px which is why they look different.

    Best regards,


    No it’s not the padding, i know there is a padding. But when you look into the code you can see <br> after the div, I want to remove it but I don’t know where that <br> comes from



    The space your seeing is not caused by the line break it’s being caused by the different padding you have set for the special headings.

    Send us a WordPress login and we’ll take a closer look.


    • This reply was modified 10 years, 1 month ago by Elliott.
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