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  • #852217


    I have noticed since the recent update that when I search a term in the site, the results are not hyperlinked.

    You can view the error here: or and search any term. ( I searched CRM partner) The list of results is displayed although none of these results are clickable.

    Could someone please contact me with a solution to this error.

    Thank you.


    Hey Redspire,

    I have tried to search something and I got an internal server error. Can you explain it better with some screenshot?

    Best regards,
    John Torvik



    Thanks for getting back to me. Could you try the search function again please? I’m not sure why you got an internal server error.

    Search results error

    Basically, when a user performs a search query, the returned results displays a list of results as expected, although these results are not hyperlinked (cannot click through to articles etc).



    Please try the following in Quick CSS under Enfold->General Styling:

    .html_elegant-blog #top .template-search .post-entry .post-meta-infos {
        margin-top: 20px !important;

    Best regards,

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