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  • #1153376

    I am using the latest Enfold version and several people have reported about their difficulty to use the contact form as it displays the message that no consent was given to use Re-Captcha.

    I have now added the consent buttons on the contact page using the “[av_privacy_google_recaptcha]” key directly.

    I suggest that the form functionnality is improved by automatically adding the consent button (with the possibility to customize the text to the local language) if no consent was provided explicitally before and automatically reload the page once the user provided consent (so that the consent actually applies to the form).

    Another method would be to allow the user of enfold to conditionally show the “[av_privacy_google_recaptcha]” fields, and ideally trigger a page reload when consent is activated.

    This would help to help the visitor enable the required Re-Captcha functionnality, while at the same time keep a clean page layout if it is already enabled.


    Hey mdeweerd,

    Thank you for the inquiry.

    You can actually set the spam protection to automatically load even without the users’ consent by setting the Enfold > Privacy & Cookies > Default Cookie Behaviour to the first option. If you want to autoreload the page once the user accepted or deny the cookies, look for the Advanced Options at the very bottom of the privacy panel, enable it and set Auto Reload Page settings accordingly.

    Best regards,


    I’ve seen this post because we have implemented a “opted out by default” strategy where cookies are not accepted by default. In this case, the contact form does not work due to the issue mentioned above. Changing the cookies to be accpted by default is not an option, as it is not fully GDPR-compliant.

    At least we can override the message with the avf_contact_form_recaptcha_disabled_msg filter and tell the user to send an email instead.

    However, I would like to provide the user a way to reopen the cookie modal popup through a link. Is that possible? For instance, the message below the form could read: “You have disabled the cookies necessary to send this form. Please enable the cookies through by clicking here.” So, wow can I open that popup manually?

    (I am aware that there is a 🔒 symbol in the bottom right of the page, but that is not really discoverable easily.)



    Thank you for the update.

    You can use this shortcode to create a link or button that will open the modal popup window.

    [av_privacy_modal_popup_button wrapper_class="" id="" class=""]your button text[/av_privacy_modal_popup_button]

    If you need a link that will open the privacy policy page directly, use this shortcode instead.


    Best regards,


    Thanks for the suggestion, but this does not work. When I return the shortcode as a message in the avf_contact_form_recaptcha_disabled_msg filter, the shortcode is rendered verbatim on the page and not replaced with the correct button.

    I cannot embed the shortcode on the contact form page itself, as it would be rendered all the time. I only want to render it when the user has disabled the reCAPTCHA cookie.



    Thank you for the update.

    Can you post the current snippet or code? You may need to adjust it a bit to something like this.

    add_filter('avf_contact_form_recaptcha_disabled_msg', function($msg) {
        $msg = "Message here before the button " . do_shortcode('[av_privacy_modal_popup_button wrapper_class="" id="" class=""]link to privacy modal popup window[/av_privacy_modal_popup_button]') . " and after the button.";
        return $msg;
    }, 10, 1); 

    Let us know if the changes work.

    Best regards,

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