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  • #1178770

    dear all,

    one of my website can’t get the last update. What is strange is that a more recent site of mine has been updated without any problem trough the enfold dashboard when my older site (another site) needed to be updated trough the Zip plugin. I tried to remove this plugin from my older site in order to try to update directly trough the dashboard but no effect.

    i always have an error 403 message :
    Errors occured checking on 2020/01/27 17:26:

    Download Package URL: Errorcode 403 returned by Envato: Forbidden:
    – response_code: 403
    – reason: scope-missing
    Download Package URL: A problem occured accessing your download link. Unable to perform update.
    Following Envato package errors occured:
    Enfold – Request for Download URL failed.

    any idea of what is needed to be done ?


    ps : do you think i need to create a new token with authorization to update ?


    thread closed. the issue as the token.



    Great, I’m glad that you found the problem. For others having the same problem: https://kriesi.at/documentation/enfold/theme-registration/#toggle-id-5

    Best regards,

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