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  • #650508

    I’m trying to import the demo to use as a base for the site.
    Ive tried everything I’ve found in the forum but everything throws an error at importing:

    Importing didn’t work!
    You might want to try reloading the page and then try again.

    What can I do?



    Hey sanvolador,

    Defining a higher memory limit in wordpress and if possible increasing the memory on the hosting server should resolve this issue.

    To increase the wordpress memory limit please access wp-config.php file and add the below line right after @package wordpress

    define('WP_MEMORY_LIMIT', '256M');

    For a detailed explaination please check this link http://codex.wordpress.org/Editing_wp-config.php#Increasing_memory_allocated_to_PHP
    Or you can contact your service provider and they can do it for you.

    Alternatively demo data can be imported using XML file from Admin > Tools > Import > WordPress
    Make sure to check the option “Download and import file attachments” while importing.

    Please note this will not import the theme settings you may need to set them up and upload if any images are missing from backend once the XML file is imported.

    Default demo
    Business Flat
    App Showcase
    Church Demo
    Construction Demo
    Cunsulting Demo
    Gym Demo

    Best regards,


    Vinery thank you for your answer.
    I did exactly as you say, changed wp-config.php, added a php.ini in the wp-admin directory..
    Somehow it doesn’t work, always the error importing the demo, but somehow the error log is empty.
    Any other thing I can do?




    Yes, because there is a posibility not to be able to overwrite from server, can you ask your hosting provider to check, if all working?

    Thanks a lot



    Thank you Basilis for your answer. Sadly my hosting provider tells me that there is no way to override the memory limit using php.ini.
    Is there any other way to import the theme without the import process? Somehow manually




    Yes, your hosting provider can do it manually for you, there is no other way I am afraid.

    Thanks a lot for your understanding

    Best regards,

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