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  • #289174

    I used the Import Dummy Data function in Enfold to see how some pages were constructed.
    I have since permanently deleted all the pages and posts about two months ago.
    Problem is they are still on the site somewhere as the site is over 5Gb in size.
    I have looked through the site through FTP but can’t find where the imported content is.
    Can you tell me what folder contains the deleted contents ?


    Hi GOWD!

    Please check “Trash” and make sure to delete the content permanently –

    Best regards,


    Hi Yigit, there is no Trash option on the Pages as I have deleted everything permanently.
    I ran the Duplicator plugin and it said that the site is 3.6Gb in size
    If I could find the file where the deleted dummy data is stored I could delete it by Ftp


    Maybe not the exact same issue, but I have also deleted posts and pages which are still sticking around, and I’m trying to figure out where so I can delete them. @GOWD, can you view the deleted pages/posts if you enter their URL’s directly? I can, but on the back end they are gone and ‘deleted permanently’.



    You will probably have better luck asking about that on the main WordPress support forums. The dummy data import uses the standard xml import file and creates the pages in the same way the WordPress import/export tool does.

    If you have bloated content in the database somehow its probably not related to the imported dummy data.

    If those pages aren’t in your trash or visible pages/posts then they might be cached on the server or from a plugin even if that plugin isn’t currently active.

    Best regards,


    Hi, I got to the bottom of it.
    If you are looking for what is causing the massive file size just install the Duplicator plugin and run a scan.
    It will come back with the total size of your site, and also when you click into the data it will tell you the path to the files that are over 4Mb in size.
    Then Ftp in and find the files by following the paths.
    One culprit can be Duplicator itself which creates a folder called WP-Snapshots that stores the copy of your website if you have used Duplicator on it before like I did when I had the dummy data imported.
    It could also be an error_logs file generated by your Servers PHP which you can analyse to fix the errors or just delete
    You can now close this thread, thanks



    Glad you figured it out and thanks for sharing your solution! :)

    Best regards,

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