Hello, if you theck here https://kriesi.at/themes/enfold/shortcodes/images-with-hotspots/ you will see that at the beginning both the logo and the links on the menu are completely WHITE over a transparent background so you can see the photo under them. But as you start scrolling down, the logo becomes colorful and the links on the menu become gray at the same time that the background of that bar becomes white. Perfect!
I installed that demo but as you can see here https://www.goodwave.com/newweb/shortcodes/images-with-hotspots/ it doesn’t work the same way: the background of the top bar is transparent and changes to white as you scroll down. So far it’s correct. But at first the links on the menu and the logo should be WHITE and stand out over the photo below but they are not WHITE. And then they should go to colorful logo and gray links on the menu as you scroll down. But in this demo, the logo and the links on the menu are colorful ALL THE TIME instead of being WHITE at start and they remain colorful all the time.
How can I make the demo do as the DEMO at Kriesi does? I want the links on the menu and the logo to start being white and then go to their natural colors as you scroll down.
Thank you!
Hey Angel,
You have to set the colour and logo for transparency separately, please check under Enfold->Header->Transparency Options.
Best regards,
Thank you so much Rikard ! That worked nicely :-)