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  • #956672

    Hello. Just migrated a WP (Enfold theme) site over from Bluehost to Godaddy.
    I’ve noticed some images are not showing up on Chrome and I’ve checked the image paths.
    Used absolute paths and tried with both “http://” and “https://”
    Any ideas on what could be causing the issue?
    Whats odd, is the images are located in a widget that shows up on all pages however some pages are missing the images and others are not and still using the exact same widget.


    Hey LesleyJean,

    Is it the image in private? If you navigate to it in your browser you will get an error message. Try uploading it to the actual installation and add it again.

    Best regards,


    Hello. I don’t think the image is set to private… I’m not certain was has happened since but the images are now showing up fine.
    Thank you



    Great, I’m glad the images are now showing. If you need additional help, please let us know here in the forums.

    Best regards,
    Jordan Shannon

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