I am using an amazon CDN for all my images on my site bring down the bandwidth and speed up my site. All my images have links from the cdn but in the image box on wordpress it only gives me an option to select from media or upload a new image onto media.
I tried to switch to default editor but nothing shows up. Is there a way I can add the link somewhere in the media box in advanced styler?
Is there a way to add the link to the media form advanced styler? I don’t want all my images on the CDN just large images. I would rather do this manually.
In that case use this method to insert media elements:
Sorry not sure what you mean. When I insert in image now through media via advanced styler I can only insert an image from my library or upload a new image. What I want to do is simply add a link. I actually did this for the background video because it has a link option and it worked. For media there is no where I can include a link… just uploading from wordpress media is all I can do.
That’s more of a WordPress limitation. as a workaround, you could use the Image Element in shortcode format (just change the src attribute):
[av_image src='https://cdn.airtimetrampoline.com/atdodgeball.JPG' align='center'][/av_image]