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  • #1111727

    I would like the image I put in an image place holder to fit automatically to the size of the placeholder. However there is no such option in the image menu. The only options are to place image on the left on the right or in the centre. I would like the image to adjust to the place holder. Could someone help ?


    Hey australiemag,

    Can you clarify what you mean by placeholder? Do you have a screenshot you could share?

    Best regards,
    Jordan Shannon


    3 image placeholders



    So you want to see the actual positioning on the front-end though correct? Please provide a link to the site/page in question.

    Best regards,
    Jordan Shannon


    Dear Jordan,
    As indicated in my first message, I would like the image I put in an image place holder to fit automatically to the size of the placeholder.
    Let’s take an example: supposing my image original size is 450×360 and the container/place holdr size is 450 x 450, I would like my image to resize to the size of the container and so to become a 450 x 450 image automatically once I place it in the container.
    I cannot send you a link as the site is on my computer at the moment. In any case my question is not related to a specific page. Just let me know whether you have a solution to my question
    Best regards



    An image which is smaller, or not the same ratio as the “placeholder”, or container cannot become a different size or ratio unless you skew it using CSS, that means it won’t display the same as the original would. You could place them as backgrounds, but I’m not sure exactly where you are looking to do this so it’s likely that you would need custom CSS to achieve that.

    Best regards,


    Hi Rikard,
    Most useful and relevant response, after 3 emails and 2 screenshots !!!. Thank you very much indeed. Hopefully I could find the response by myself elsewhere on the web.
    Superb support indeed.



    It’s sometimes difficult for moderators to understand what users are asking for unfortunately, especially without something to look at. But screenshots help of course. Please let us know if you should need any further help on the topic or if we can close it.

    Best regards,

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