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  • #968105

    I have a widget problem – I am trying to display an image with a link to a page

    I have set up 2 widgets – one as an Image widget & one as Custom HTML as the Sidebar Pages widget
    front end password = lennox

    the image I am calling works fine
    a page that is calling the widget is
    however neither widget displays the image


    Hey smarta-brett,

    I tried to troubleshoot this issue but the login credentials you provided do not work for me. The page has a separate password Would you mind checking once again and then send us working login credentials?

    The user role for the account you send us should be set to ‘administrator’ so we can try to disable all plugins and add custom code (if necessary) to resolve the issue.

    Best regards,


    i’s ok – it’s fixed

    i re-did the image and renamed it and it worked – WP didn’t like the image for some reason

    thanks for your time



    Glad it’s fixed for you!
    Don’t forget to bookmark Enfold Documentation for future reference.

    Thank you for using Enfold :)

    Best regards,

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