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  • #1463201

    I’ve noticed that on each of my portfolio sliders, one image will be cut off and ending masked over with a wave (please see screenshot, and slider location in Private). It doesn’t matter what length the image is, or order of appearance. It seems rather random.


    Hey laptophobo,

    Thank you for the inquiry.

    That is quite odd. We can’t find where the mask is coming from. Have you tried recreating the slider from scratch?

    Best regards,


    I can see that too? If you don’t want to make the url public send me an e-mail (contact details under my nick).


    well i do not see where you set it – but there is a rule:

    /.slide-1{clip-path:polygon(0% 1%, 0% 99%, 12% 96%, 23% 91%, 33% 91%, 48% 92%, 58% 95%, 70% 91%, 81% 91%, 93% 91%, 100% 94%, 100% 1%);}
    .slide-2{clip-path:polygon(0% 1%, 0% 99%, 12% 96%, 17% 98%, 22% 97%, 29% 98%, 36% 100%, 43% 98%, 53% 98%, 59% 99%, 70% 100%, 78% 98%, 85% 98%, 100% 99%, 100% 1%);}
    .slide-3{clip-path:polygon(0% 1%, 0% 99%, 12% 99%, 17% 98%, 22% 97%, 29% 98%, 36% 100%, 43% 98%, 53% 98%, 59% 99%, 70% 100%, 78% 98%, 85% 98%, 100% 99%, 100% 1%);}

    the first rule does not take effect because of leading “/”

    for inspecting it would be better to have no merged or minimized css codes. Maybe you can switch this off for that moment.


    Ahw, yes. You found the problem!
    An old script was lingering. Thanks for your help!



    Thanks for helping out @guenni007 :-)

    Best regards,

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