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  • #936236

    How to make an image slider as a pop-out. What someone clicks an image or button, how do I make the image slider pop-out instead of going to another page? When they are done viewing, they click the X or whatever they do to get out of the viewer..



    Hey Gene,

    Is the image lightbox option not working for you?
    Could you please attach a mockup of what you’re trying to achieve?

    Best regards,


    Where would I find the image lightbox? I looked in the “Content Elements” and “Media Elements” and did not see it in either one of them. Am I missing something or is it called something else?



    I think what Victoria is referring to is the Lightbox Modal Window option in the theme options. Maybe she misunderstood you? I’m not sure I understand what you mean either to be honest, could you link to an example maybe?

    Best regards,


    I think what Victoria is referring to is the Lightbox Modal Window option in the theme options

    I am sure this is what I am looking for, BUT, I cannot find it ANYWHERE! Please guide me to the location so I can use this. I looked in the “Content Elements” and “Media Elements” and did not see it in either tab. Is it located some place else or is it actually called something else?

    Need this ASAP.. boss on my butt to get this into the site..




    I found it, but now boss has other ideas.. If she changes her mind I will post another thread. Please close this thread..


    • This reply was modified 6 years, 11 months ago by sfranks12.

    Hi sfranks12,

    Let us know if you need any more help.

    Best regards,

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