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  • #1265135


    I wondered if somebody could help me with the way the site is displaying the images in our posts and category pages.

    We normally try and keep the main image for a post when we upload it to 1200×630 as the dimensions work well for social media shares etc. When we upload the image as the feature image in a post it creates all the different sizes. The issue is on a post it then displays the image at the top as the ***-845×321.png version which is the incorrect version as it isn’t a multiple of 1200×630 and means the top and bottom of the image get chopped off. Looking at all the versions that are generated I think it should be the ***-.768×403.png version (correct me if I’m wrong here) that is displayed as this is a correct multiple and looking at this version there is nothing that has been cropped – How do we change it so the posts use that version?

    Similarly, on our archive/category page, it is displaying the 495×400 version for the thumbnail which is too square, for the thumbnail based on our feature image size I think it should be the 300×158 version, could you tell me how we change this too, please?



    Hey dannyl82,

    Thank you for the inquiry.

    The issue is on a post it then displays the image at the top as the ***-845×321.png version

    That is the predefined thumbnail for featured images in a post without sidebar, but it can be adjusted manually in the functions.php file around line 188.

    $avia_config['imgSize']['entry_with_sidebar'] 	= array('width'=>845, 'height'=>321);

    .. or we can use the Simple Image Sizes plugin to adjust the thumbnail size in the Settings > Media panel.


    We have to regenerate the images or upload the image again after the size adjustment.

    Best regards,

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