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  • #1399384

    Hi, I’m working on, which is the best size of the image in order to have exactly the same thumbnails size in the magazine style for the home page?
    I saw×443.jpg (696×443) so that I tried with image with proportions 900×600 -> but in home page is×375.png while in the blog content becomes×321.png

    Thanks Gianluca


    Hey sitibus,

    Since you are using 1500px for the Maximum Container Width, then please try to use this size Featured (1500×430).
    Hope it helps.

    Best regards,


    I’m not sure I understand what you tell me well, I like it as you can see at the moment the home-page, with articles with these Immmmagini×464.jpg and×443.jpg
    The originals are respectively 1620×1080 and 1696×1080 why can you tell me that the images I have to load must have dimensions 1500×430?

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 1 month ago by sitibus.
    • This reply was modified 2 years, 1 month ago by sitibus.
    • This reply was modified 2 years, 1 month ago by sitibus.

    Hi sitibus,

    I apologize for misunderstanding, I thought what you wanted was to lineup the featured image from the other thumbnail images like this:

    The Blog page is using this image size:
    – with sidebar: 845 x 321px
    – without sidebar: 1210 x 423px

    In order to adjust the featured image in the blog page, please add this code in functions.php using a child theme or if you don’t have a child theme, you can use WPCode plugin to insert this php snippet:

    add_filter( 'avf_modify_thumb_size', 'enfold_customization_modify_thumb_size', 10, 1 );
    function enfold_customization_modify_thumb_size( $size ) {
        $size['entry_with_sidebar'] = array('width'=>845, 'height'=>446);
        return $size;

    Once this is added, you can re-upload the image or use an image regeneration plugin to regenerate images.

    Best regards,


    I’m sorry, maybe I’m not explaining myself well.
    I understood what you tell me and modified the functions.php to resize to width=>845, height=>446, but it’s too big when I’m inside the post -> 26/cardio-online-europe-with-a-mediterranean-passion-an-example-of-competence-and-professionalism-without-boundaries/

    I would like the new photos that I upload (see the one with the green writing new on the home page) to have the same thumb size as the two existing ones on the right on the same line -> 694×464 so that by clicking and entering the post then the image became 1024×683 (see post

    I hope I made myself clear


    but you do have the option to choose the source image file on magazine element options dialog.
    To synchronize the sources – you only had to choose here the image-size which is used in your single post .
    ( guess that is entry_with_sidebar )


    I can’t explain to me, I’m talking about the post slider band in home page:
    There are three images the first (original in the demo was this:, 1620×1080)
    I loaded another one, with the new green writing:, always 1620×1080, but when I go to see it on the home page , the dimensions as you see are different and even when I enter the post whether it chooses the dimensions manually whether it leaves the “no scaling” option

    Why do the two images that have the same initial dimensions in the post slider have different sizes? respectively 495×400 and 696×464?

    see the screenshot at

    Tnks Gianluca


    What is initially noticeable is not only the different display in the post slider, but also that slightly different sources are used in the single posts.
    Both times the image is opened in the lightbox, and by default the large image is used as the source.
    In the one image, however, this is: 1024X683 in the other image (new), however, it is: 1030×687.
    This could then of course lead to the fact that the calculation based on this the images in the post slider are also different.

    PS: I still do not see why in the single post with you such nearly 4:3 images are shown, because actually the entry_with_sidebar format is 845×321 so rather a narrow image.

    Therefore, the actual error is more likely to be found in the choice of images for the lightbox of the single posts.

    PS: for testing purpose it would be nice if both posts ( with image 39 and 39new ) are in the same category – to see if there could be an impact.

    • This reply was modified 2 years ago by Guenni007.

    Hi Gianluca,

    I’m not sure why that is happening although the correct size for the post slider (3 items/slide) you mentioned should be 495x400px and not 696x464px.
    Can you setup a staging site? where we can try to check issue further.
    Please post the credentials in private content.

    Best regards,


    Hi Guenni and Nikko and tks for your kind replies.

    I don’t actually know what’s going on, I just know that I used the 39new image for another article to put on the slide with the same dimensions as 39 (1620×1080) but then the result is different, both in the slider and in the single post.
    I have created an administrative account you can work easily, no problem


    Hi Gianluca,

    Thanks for giving us admin access.
    I tried to download the images on the slider and just re-upload them on their respective posts and it seems to work properly, you can view in the Media Library that same images were re-upload and also you can see on the homepage that the images are using the same sizes.

    By the way, Guenni007 is not a moderator but also an Enfold user who helps a lot of people here in the forum :)

    Best regards,


    Ok tks now it’s perfect.

    How can I could increase the dimension of the font of the title of the first post of the magazine? -> “Cardio On Line Europe: dalla passione mediterranea un esempio di competenza e professionalità senza confini” in home page?
    Tks Gianluca


    Hi Gianluca,

    You can change it by adding this CSS code in Enfold > General Styling > Quick CSS (just change the font size value):

    .home .av-magazine .av-magazine-content-wrap .av-magazine-title {
        font-size: 18px;

    Hope it helps.

    Best regards,


    thanks but not all.
    it works for every title of the magazine while I would like that only the title of the first post of the magazine was bigger than other titles.


    Hi Gianluca,

    I see, please replace the code I gave with this one:

    .av-magazine .av-magazine-hero .av-magazine-content-wrap .av-magazine-title {
        font-size: 18px;

    Best regards,


    Great, now it’s perfect!!!
    Thanks a lot


    Glad Guenni007 & Nikko could help, thank you Guenni007, if you have any further questions please create a new thread and we will gladly try to help you. Thank you for using Enfold.

    Best regards,

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