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  • #985940

    Hello I am looking for the exact image size so that my images come out well in the blog page. I put a blog widget on the homepage as a grid. I would like the images to appear well down and when we click on the article also please. I can not find the right size until I put no picture. I summarize I would like to know the correct image size so that they come out correctly in the article page and home page. Thank you in advance.


    Hey gabs01,

    I do not see any images in the blogposts, do you mean featured images?

    Can you give us temporary admin access to your website in the private content box below, so that we can have a closer look?

    Best regards,


    yes it is because I have withdrawn them while waiting. If we do not put pictures it puts a “pencil” so I removed with CSS. I’m talking about images on the home page in the “tips tips” section. Each article should contain a featured image. I want it to come out well in the article and on the homepage, please.

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 7 months ago by gabs01.


    Thank you for the update.

    You can adjust the blog posts element’s “Preview Image Size” size to the second option so that you can manually select a specific thumbnail. You should upload an image not less than 1210px in width and not shorter than 426px because that is the default size of the “entry_without_sidebar” thumbnail which is what is going to be used once you’re on the single post page. If you want to adjust the default size of that thumbnail, use the following plugin.


    Best regards,

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