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  • #1163748


    Unfortunately, the images are lined up in the mobile view!
    Left in the screenshot – all ok.
    Underneath, the images are displayed contiguously – the text in between is not displayed.
    Did I get this CSS from you?

    @media only screen and (max-width:767px){
    .home #av-layout-grid-2, .home #av-layout-grid-4 {
    display: flex;
    flex-direction: column-reverse;
    @media only screen and (min-width: 480px) and (max-width:767px) {
    .responsive #top.home #wrap_all .av-flex-cells .no_margin .flex_cell_inner {
    padding-top: 20vw;

    @media only screen and (max-width: 479px) {
    .responsive #top.home #wrap_all .av-flex-cells .no_margin .flex_cell_inner {
    padding-top: 20vh;
    @media only screen and (max-width: 767px) {
    .responsive #top.home #wrap_all .av-flex-cells .no_margin .flex_cell_inner {
    padding-top: 0 !important;
    @media only screen and (max-width: 767px) {
    .responsive #top #wrap_all .av-flex-cells .no_margin {
    padding: 30px !important;
    min-height: 300px;
    span.logo {
    display: none !important;
    Best Regards


    Hey Bassmann,

    Could you please give us a link to your website, we need more context to be able to help you.

    Best regards,

    This reply has been marked as private.


    could I get a working solution for this problem please.

    My customer is waiting …




    I duplicated the last Grid Row element on your page and switched places, text on the left and image on the right and chose to display that section only on mobile and hid your existing element on mobile for presentation. Please review your website :)

    Best regards,



    the solution is not good!

    1. The code block (last entry on the page) will now be displayed, even though everything is set to not display.
    Thus, there is now a distance to the footer, which was not there before.

    2. On the smartphone, the button and the font of the copied entry is not displayed correctly.
    (Second link to screenshot)

    Ask for a solution that works!




    Login credentials are no longer working for me. Could you please check them once again? Mentioned issues are easily fixable :)

    Best regards,



    thanks, but I have found a solution with which I get along first.
    You can close the thread.

    If a new situation should arise, I will contact you again.

    Best Regards


    Hi Stefan,

    We’re glad to hear that :)
    Thanks for using Enfold and have a great day!

    Best regards,

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