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  • #477403

    Hello! We are having an issue with a plugin we installed – Multiple Images Per Variation – and have a question regarding its compatibility with the theme. If you have a look at this link: – if you try to make the product image to pop up fulscreen, it doesn’t. Our plugin developer advised us to ask you, how you load the script that makes the image pop up (when we deactivate the plugin, the theme makes the image pop up just fine).

    I hope the question is clear, I am attaching the conversation with our plugin developer just in case:
    “No problem at all. The theme uses “Magnific” to display the fullscreen images. It uses the packaged version, so worth checking if the theme does too.
    If you could just ask how they load the script, then we may be able to figure out a solution!”

    Hi James, thank you!! When I activated the twentyfifteen theme, it seems to pop up fine! So it is the theme conflict? You said: perhaps the theme includes the same script? If you could tell me a bit more, perhaps I could ask the theme developer to help? What script should I ask them about? Sorry, I am not too knowledgable in this :) thanks for all your help!!
    James Kemp
    Hi Karina,
    Those are just CSS recommendations and shouldn’t affect anything visually. I’m thinking there may be a conflict with the theme; perhaps it incluses the same script?
    Could you try using a default theme, like twentyfifteen or similar, and seeing if the issue persists?

    • This topic was modified 9 years, 7 months ago by gearouthere.

    Hi gearouthere!

    Yes we use the magnific script. You can see where we link it on line 279 in the functions.php file.

    wp_enqueue_script( 'avia-popup',  $template_url.'/js/aviapopup/jquery.magnific-popup.min.js', array('jquery'), 2, true);

    We use the handle “avia-popup”. Does the plugin have a way to stop loading the magnific script?

    Best regards,

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