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  • #1103650


    I have a content section with a background image on which I set a transparent Section Background Overlay. If I set the minimal height to a fixed percentage, e.g. on 25%, all is fine, but if i set the height on “no minimal height, let the content determine the height” *) the overlay is too small on mobile

    I can correct is by setting a custom height to .av-section-color-overlay-wrap but it should be flexible since the height changes per device. Note the height set to auto or 100% does not work (not sure if 100% is a valid syntax, yet I tried that too).

    Please advice.

    *) I have the Dutch version installed so I don’t know the exact name.


    Dear Kriesi team,

    When can I expect a solution for this issue as I want to go live with the site tomorrow / next tomorrow?

    Best regards,



    Did you add the following css code? That limits the height of the container and constrain the overlay wrapper.

    @media (orientation: portrait) {
    #av_section_1 .container {
        height: 70vw!important;

    We would like to apologize for the late response. We’ll try to reply to this thread as soon as possible.

    Best regards,


    Hi Ismael,

    Yes I did.. and I completely forgot about it. It has the purpose of limiting full height sections on portrait devices but it also affects less than full height sections. I resolved it with a dedicated CSS class

    Sorry for having bothered you with this.

    This thread can be closed.

    Best regards,

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 9 months ago by Jan_FtFA.


    I’m glad this was resolved. If you need additional help, please let us know here in the forums.

    Best regards,
    Jordan Shannon

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