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  • #654571

    How can I decide the image order on the Feature Image Slider?
    I’m using a Feature Image Slider which contents are different categories I have on the page. But I need that one specific category ALWAYS appear in the first slide of the Slider.
    I couldn’t find the right help on the older topics .

    Thanks in advance!
    (sorry for my english)



    Please, ¿Can anybody help me? :/



    We are very sorry for the delay.

    You cannot alter the order of the items via category but you can do it using custom fields. Add this in the functions.php file:

    add_filter('avia_feature_image_slider_query', 'avia_feature_image_slider_query_mod', 10, 1);
    function avia_feature_image_slider_query_mod($query) {
    	$query['meta_key'] = 'featured_slider_order';
    	$query['orderby'] = 'meta_value_num';
    	$query['order'] = 'DESC';
    	return $query;

    Edit the posts, add a custom field called “featured_slider_order” then add a numeric value (1, 2, 3 or 4 etc) to it. Note that you have to add the custom field in every posts that is included in the slider.

    Best regards,


    Hi Ismael,
    I have the same problem here!
    I added the code but after that I don’t understand your answer anymore.
    Where should I add the custom field? Is it possible to hold one Image at position 1 and after that sort after date DESC?
    Thanks in advance!



    You have to edit the posts and create a custom field called “featured_slider_order”. Unfortunately, you cannot set a sticky post to the slider. If you require more assistance, please don’t hesitate to open another thread.

    Best regards,

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