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  • #524849

    The problem is simple. If I use ‘Add media’ or ‘Replace media’ function to add or replace image on my product description, page or portfolio item, the address of picture will be: (where is my local wamp address)

    After publishing site to hosting server all those images, that i added via ‘Add media’, are still pointing to f instead of, though I preliminarily change ‘WordPress Address (URL)’ and ‘Site Address (URL)’ in general settings – before exporting database.

    When I use AVIA builder the image links transfer is working correctly. The problem occurs only when default ‘add media’ function is used. For example, in product ‘short description’ or if I add the image in ‘Accordion’ feild.

    The address of my site is:

    Up til now i have to go from picture to picture and correct all the links manually, which is disaster. I upload some images to external hosting and try to link them directly with my local installation, but I hope there is a more elegant solution.
    Would someone help me on this, please?

    • This topic was modified 9 years, 4 months ago by hexquare.

    Hi Alex!

    And you have the correct URL set in Dashboard > Settings > General? Are all plugins deactivated while testing?

    What happens in the default theme?



    Hi, Elliot!

    Nothing bad, acually. Theme is working perfectly (though ‘google audits’ swears that 19 external css is way to much) and there are no generated error log messages on server side. The only problem is redirection policy of default ‘add media’ feature. Any picture or link that I add via AVIA editor are redirected properly after publishing site from PC to hosting.

    And yes, of course, before exporting ‘mysql.db’ and ‘wp-content’ I set correct URL in both fields – ‘wp address’ and ‘site address’. Then I add those images, i use ‘Add media’ and if I need to replace them, I just click on image and choose ‘Replace’ button.

    Here’s typical example of described issue
    The bottom picture in product description tab (Kenmerken) is not showing up, because image link still points to localhost after changing site URL’s to ‘’


    I updated the database and removed most probably all dead image-links, but I’m adding new products now and will report if issue will repeat itsel again.

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 4 months ago by hexquare.


    Alright. Let us know if you encounter any issues. We usually recommend this plugin in order to migrate the database properly:


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