We have a gravity form which uses the paging system. Each page is depended on conditional logic and only shows depending on the option chosen. Each page has a set of images that automatically link to a lightbox.
However, even though those other pages are set as display none by gravity forms, the lightbox shows all of the images.. So instead of only showing the 3 images for that one page, the user can arrow through all 9 images for the 3 pages.
We can not figure out a way to only group those images in each page/section together and not include the other images.
Is there a way to do this?
Hey bjornwallman!
That seems to be a conflict with the plugin and the theme.
Although you need to contact the plugin developer to assist you with the issue, you can always also share a link of the site for us
so we might be able to debug it.
Thanks a lot
Best regards,
I don’t think it is a problem with gravity forms because enfold adds the lightbox code automatically to the image link.
Here is a link to the site. Choose a gift and click the next button. Then 3 images for that gift show and link to lightbox. But all images are in that lightbox, not just the 3 for that gift but the 3 for the other two gift types as well.
Any info you can provide would be helpful.
We were able to figure out a work around using div classes and JavaScript.