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  • #629076

    images in galleries are being opened twice when clicking on them-
    the pic i click on is being open as single pic and with lightbox at the same time.
    I want only the lightbox to be opened please.

    i am adding a link as example – just click on one pic to see it.





    It seems you’re using a custom lightbox script, in that case you’d need to disable Enfold’s one, go to Theme Options and uncheck “Lightbox Modal Window”.

    Best regards,



    I dont know which custom lightbox script is it… actually i dont think i know how to use a custom lightbox script.

    I dont want the image to be open as single picture. i want it to open only with the lightbox of enfold – the one that allows you to slide to another pics.

    Can you help somehow?

    thanks again,


    ok done!!
    i saw it happened because of a plugin i didnt know about.. fancybox!

    thanks for helping – you guys have an amazing support!


    You are welcome, glad to help :)


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