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  • #1102499

    My problem is, using fullscreen-slider on my customers page some images don’t look ok on Android/Chrome.
    The images are all placed center/center in dialog but some are viewed left, or some look like tiled.

    workingdomain ist:
    on startpage the first image is ok
    the second apears ok on Desktop Chrome and Firefox, but doesn’t look ok on Android/Chrome (but ok on Android/Firefox)

    Image 2, lookes tiled

    What’s wrong with this image?


    Problem resolved! image size was to big (about 6000×4000).
    But why does the fullscreen-slider show original size, when slidersize 1500×1500 is choosen in settings?


    Hi bernhardstemp,

    Glad you got it working for you.

    What size did you choose when you were assigning the images to the slide?

    Best regards,


    There is no size to choose, isn’t it?



    Thanks for the update.

    You should be able to select the thumbnail size in the “Slideshow Image Size” settings. However, we’re not sure why it doesn’t work or display the actual thumbnail in your installation.

    Anyway, you should consider resizing the images based on the standard screen resolutions.


    Best regards,

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