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  • #608012

    Hi there,

    Just wondering how I can stop images from getting arrows and fade on them when a mouse hovers over them – they don’t have a link, so I don’t want it to look like they do.

    Thanks – http://recoveringwholeness.com/


    Hi Kali!

    You can edit your image element and choose not to have it linked.



    Hi Yigit,

    Thanks for that – how do I edit my image element?




    Please hover on your image element and then click that blue button and then go to “Link settings” tab and choose “no link” http://imgur.com/a/oq4qL



    Hi Yigit,

    I have just been in again and see that problem with a new blog post. I followd your above link, but maybe because I’m working in the basic editor (not advanced) – I don’t have those link options and tabs.

    I have just copied this .image-overlay { display: none!important; } into my basic CSS, but I would rather not have that for everything and be able to find another way to edit each image individually.

    Do you have any solutions please?

    Thanks :)



    What Yigit suggested should be available when you use Advance Layout Builder, if you are using WordPress Default Editor then you couldn’t see it since it’s a shortcode. I noticed you are not using the latest version of Enfold, try updating it to the latest version, if you can still see the option, can you give us temporary admin access? so we can check your backend :)

    Best regards,


    Hi Nikko,

    I just updated the theme and then went and removed the snippet of code in my General Settings to see if it had changed – but without that snippet of code it does the arrow hover over even the picture is linked to a media file. I could change link option with pictures within the post now – to say no link and that stops the hover, but it doesn’t let me change that in the feature image.

    Hope this makes sense thanks. Details below.



    Please enable the custom css class field: http://kriesi.at/documentation/enfold/turn-on-custom-css-field-for-all-alb-elements/ and then edit image elements where you would not like to display image overlay and change your custom CSS code to following one

    .your-custom-class .image-overlay { display: none!important; } 

    It will be applied only on elements with that custom CSS class

    Best regards,

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