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  • #830944

    This seems to be a common issue this the theme, image hovering make the image wrapper grow on hover. This seems to be a problem on many of my site pages.


    Hey hookedonweb,

    Which browser are you using? I did not see the team section on this page, I just saw 3 images for video and the overlay did not overflow the image. Could you give us a different link and a few screenshots of the issue, please?

    Best regards,


    It’s not browser related.

    Try the page again, there is a staff image now.

    Can’t screenshot a hover jump, just hover the staff image. This is a common problem that is widely mentioned in this support forum.



    I was not able to see the “bounce” effect either, just the overlay as normal.

    Best regards,
    Jordan Shannon


    it happens on lots of my images.



    Please provide admin info so I may log in and look into this issue further.

    Best regards,
    Jordan Shannon

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