Hello together
I have created a test page here, which will be licensed if it works.
Page see below:
I have created a page in the menu “Galerie”.
There is a point on this page with the name: “Galerie TEST”
The images I have inserted with the plugin NextGEN Gallery.
My question, when I click on an image there opens this 2 x
once a white arrow, once a black arrow.
If they then scroll the page they see that the images are behind each other.
correct would be for me if only the image with the description would be displayed.
What am I doing wrong.
Thanks for your help
Kind regards
Also when I create a blank page the same thing happens
menu “Test”.
on another homepage (link below) with enfold I have also inserted galleries
but there it is opened correctly
kind regards
Thank you for the inquiry.
The theme has its own Lightbox Modal Window option, which can be toggled in the Enfold > Theme Options panel. Disabling the default lightbox should fix the issue.
Best regards,
Hello Ismail
Thanks for your answer
Fits great so
You can close this request
kind regards
Hi Franz,
I’m glad that Ismael could help you :)
Thanks for using Enfold and have a great day!
Best regards,