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  • #1438191


    I’m trying to recreate this section in the private content.
    I have set it up with a accordion and easy slider and with the same classes and JS but somehow i can’t get it to work.

    I want it to change image if i click on accordion nr.2 i should change it to image nr. 2.

    Can you help?


    Hey mvi,

    Thank you for the inquiry.

    Did you add this script?

    jQuery(document).ready(function($) {
        // Replace the accordion selectors with your own accordion toggler selectors
        var accordions = $('#skillspring-process .toggler');
        function forceSlideChange(slideshow, targetIndex) {
            var slides = slideshow.find('.avia-slideshow-inner li');
            var activeSlide = slides.filter('.active-slide');
            var targetSlide = slides.eq(targetIndex);
            // Stop any ongoing animations
            slides.stop(true, true);
            // Hide the current active slide
            activeSlide.removeClass('active-slide').css({ 'opacity': 0, 'visibility': 'hidden' });
            // Show the target slide
            targetSlide.addClass('active-slide').css({ 'opacity': 1, 'visibility': 'visible' });
            // Update the active control dot
            slideshow.find('.avia-slideshow-dots .goto-slide').removeClass('active').eq(targetIndex).addClass('active');
        accordions.on('click', function() {
            // Get the index of the clicked accordion toggler
            var index = accordions.index(this);
            // Replace the slideshow selector with your own slideshow selector
            var slideshow = $('#skillspring-process-slideshow');
            // Check if the slideshow exists on the page
            if (slideshow.length) {
                forceSlideChange(slideshow, index);

    You should also apply the ID “skillspring-process” to the Accordion element and the ID “skillspring-process-slideshow” to the Easy Slider element.

    Best regards,


    I missed to add the ID to those.

    Thank you so much!



    Great, I’m glad that Ismael could help you out. Please let us know if you should need any further help on the topic, or if we can close it.

    Best regards,

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