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  • #850639

    When I launch the following code (iframe; private content 1) in a webbrowser, it shows perfectly what I want: the general standing of a competition (it is a part o an external html-page).
    Unfortunately, when I launch this code in a codeblock of my Enfold Theme, in the same iframe-code, another part of the external html-page is shown, an not what I want (see testage: private content 2)
    Is there a way to fix this iframe, so that it shows what I want please?


    Hey GertC,

    I think a 1/4 element is not large enough to fit the content of the iframe, maybe you could try a larger element?

    Best regards,


    Thank you, Rikard.
    Pasting the code of “Private Content 1” directly in the element did not work. Even if it was wider, it was not responsive.
    This way did it for me:
    I created a new seperate html page based on “Private Content 1” .
    In the Enfold element, I pasted other iframe-code, referring tot this seperate html-page (with height and width 100% here).
    Kind regards,


    Hi Gert,

    Great, glad you got it working and thanks for sharing your solution, much appreciated. Please let us know if you should need any further help on the topic.

    Best regards,

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