I have added an iframe code in my page : https://saintvalerien85.fr/resultats-de-lelection-presidentielle-2017/
but nothings appear.. Can you please help me, it is urgent because it is about the result of french presidential elections.
Many thanks in advance
This is not an issues with Enfold. A look into the browser console windows reveals the real issue:
Mixed Content: The page at ‘https://saintvalerien85.fr/resultats-de-lelection-presidentielle-2017/’ was loaded over HTTPS, but requested an insecure resource ‘http://elections.ouest-france.fr/widget/mes-resultats/?w=600’. This request has been blocked; the content must be served over HTTPS.
Just change the iframe source to: https://elections.ouest-france.fr/widget/mes-resultats/?w=600
Thank you for your help although the concern does not come from the theme.
When I change the code, the map of France does not display as it should (see source link : http://elections.ouest-france.fr/widget/mes-resultats/ )
Can you help to understand why ?
@sitadi because the target site loads the map over an unsecure connection (http instead of https). You can check those issue by simply opening the browser console window (e.g. in Chrom open the website and press F12). If you call a site over https any content, scripts and external resource have to use https as well.
Thank you @mensmaximus :)
This means that I can not display the map as on the source link.
@sitadi correct. As long as the target site uses any non-ssl links you can’t display those content using https.
Thank you so much, have a nice day !