I’m thinking of applying the Enfold Theme to my new Website, and have to major questions/tasks:
1. I’m going to run my White-Label-Webshop on a subdomain (shop.myurl.at), and want to add a search field-function below or instead of the slider to the Homepage of the main Website (www.myurl.at) to lead customers to my webshop. This search field would consist of a code that need to be inserted and would link to the webshop on the subdomain. Is this possible with Enfold? (I would guess so, but want to get sure)
2. Part of the new website should be a page showing my product portfolio. As some of this portfolio is available in my (White Label-)webshop on the subdomain, I want to insert a custom code that displays these products on the page The code will be in the form of: (see more code in private content)
<form target=”<webshop URL on a subdomain>” id=”searchForm” method=”get” action=”http://www….” […] </form>
So: Is it possible to customize a webpage to display both, the products from the white-label-shop, and below my other products?
Hey David Neubauer,
These things are possible with, but they are not available out of the box and will require customizations. You might need to use JavaScript to send your search requests to another location. You will need to be able to write code or you can hire a freelancer to do it for you.
If you need further assistance please let us know.
Best regards,