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  • #1116072

    We have a website that we want to embed into an enfold page and I would like to know how we can make sure that the height of the full website will be used into the color section ? Of course, the website we want to embed is responsive so the height is different every time based on the device and orientation so we do not want to use a fix pixels height for the iframe, so is there any setting we could do to embed properly?


    I am adding more steps, so we have a color section with the setting set to set the height based on the content within the section, we have inside that color section a code block with an iframe set to 100% width and height, and the result is like the image below, obviously it does no use the full height of the content but some small part of it adding scroll bar, so how can we see the full page of the website embedded ?




    I think the best you can do is to set the color section element to the highest possible height, as far as I know it’s not possible to have an iframe to adapt to the content of the external site.

    Best regards,

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