I want to add a small graphic to a portfolio grid entry if it belongs to a certain category.
Tried adding:
if( has_term( 'my-category', ) ) { $output .= "<div class=''></div>"; }
to portfolio.php but not able to get anything.
Hi DDDesign!
Thank you for the info.
If you don’t mind, we would like to see a screenshot of an example of the portfolio grid item with category. We’ll provide you with a better response once we have a better understanding of the request. And we would like to know the Excerpt settings of your portfolio grid.
I would suggest doing it via CSS instead of trying to modify the individual portfolio class. So if you are using a sortable portfolio grid and you have items that are marked as part of a category it will have the class with _sort on the item. So you could then do a pseudo class :before with your text in the content.