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  • #649862

    We are repeatedly getting very slow load time on a specific file on the home page, “­content/themes/enfold/config­templatebuilder/avia­template­builder/assets/fonts/entypo­fontello.woff?v=3” This file is really slowing the home page down, but oddly enough, it’s not causing the same problem on the sub pages of the site. This is the font used for the little icons on the site. There is some odd reason why this is causing such an issue on the home page. I’ve tried multiple tests, it does it every time so it’s not a fluke, it’s almost 20 seconds to load that file. Looking at the TTFB, so it’s really not the size of the file, the browser is waiting on the server to respond to the request for the file. We see this on
    other pages, just not this bad. I am not sure if this is a theme issue or a server issue. Any suggestions?


    The desktop speed is quite good at 3.7s to load, however mobile is pretty slow, slower than I expected at 23.45s.


    In doing further testing, it seems to be a server issue which is resolved now.



    Great, glad you got it working. Please let us know if you should need any more help on the topic.


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