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  • #1421846

    Dear Enfold Team,
    Is there a way to keep the view balanced on smartphone view for icons ? Icons and titles look fine on the computer, but don’t go on the same line on the smartphone view.
    Is there a way to put them side to side and remove the title ?
    I tried removing the titles and redo them in an icon box, and achieved the solution mentioned below, but as I have 60 pages I would like to spare me a lot of work. Is there is a code I could use to keep icons as they are but make them look balanced ?
    Thank you for helping,


    Hi HulaSlim,

    Can you try to add this CSS code and see if it helps:

    #top #av_section_1 .av_one_half .avia-icon-list-container .entry-content-header {
        display: none;
    #top #av_section_1 .av_one_half .avia-icon-list-container .iconlist_icon {
        font-size: 20px;
        max-width: 30px;
        max-height: 30px;
        line-height: 30px;
    #top #av_section_1 .av_one_half:has(.avia-icon-list-container) {
        display: flex;

    Best regards,


    Hi Nikko,
    THank you for this code.
    It worked for some of the pages,but on others, it didn’t, for the computer view, icons are too small and too close to the border and between each other. Is it possible to set the code differently ?
    As for the smartphone view, in some of the pages, icons are on the left or repeated twice. I put the links below. Maybe we can work them separetely or is there something in their setting that must be undone ? Or try something else ?
    Thanks again,
    Have a good day,


    and I forgot this


    Hi Natacha,

    I apologize for the delayed response.
    I can’t seem to see the pages, also the login credentials just returns ERROR: Incorrect Username or Password, please check.

    Best regards,


    Hi Nikko,
    I don’t have time anymore. I will go through all of them. It you achieve answergin within the day, please try a solution that works for all of them. Here below the correct codes. THanks,


    Hi Nikko,
    I changed every single icon manually. So you can close this issue.



    Thannks for the update, I’m glad to hear that you solved your problem. Please open a new thread if you should have any further questions or problems.

    Best regards,

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