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  • #1179036


    i found the same topic for older version of enfold.
    We updated to the newest WP and enfold.

    If we use shortcodes for buttons, icons on buttons work.
    They do not work if we use pure HTML – even if its an exact copy of the HTML output from a shortcode button.

    The issue: We placed a lot of buttons by HTML code directly because we need the “rel” attribute that the shortcode doesn’t support to open a buttons content in a custom lightbox (rel=”lightbox”).
    Unfortunately now the icons dissappear for clean HTML.

    Any solution?

    Edit: Button setup: Button alignment left, Icon on the right, Show icon on hover

    • This topic was modified 5 years, 2 months ago by tbc.


    Could you please post a link to your website where we can see the issue? We may need temporary admin logins too so if you do not mind, please share them privately as well.


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    I tested your HTML code in Code Block element on my local installation and it did not work. However i tried creating a new button and inserted HTML in Code Block and it worked.

    Could you please check if HTML code in private content field works fine for you too? If it does, i am afraid you might need to recreate button and copy HTML once again and paste it in your code blocks.

    Best regards,


    That did the trick. Thank you.

    What’s really weird is that the onliest difference is this line:
    <span class="avia_button_icon avia_button_icon_right" aria-hidden="true" data-av_icon="" data-av_iconfont="entypo-fontello"></span>

    Which obviously makes sense cause it contains the iconcode.
    But we did not change the codeelements content. So how can a line dissapear?

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    I believe that happened after WP 5.3 update. We have fixed it in Enfold 4.7 but i guess button needed to be recreated. Well, glad it is working fine now!

    Best regards,

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