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  • #1329364


    Last week all the pictures disappeared from our site, and it was due to a code that was injected into our site that created the problem. Our service provider has fixed the issue, however ever since that day our avia layout builder has been missing images and icons on the menu block.

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    Hey CPM_usa,

    Thanks for the login details. The 2FA is stopping the login though, could you share that in private as well please?

    Best regards,



    Sorry for the delay, please see below!



    Thanks for the update. Why is your site URL and WordPress location different on the page in private?

    Best regards,


    We inherited that from the previous manager here, and how they set up the site in the back-end.
    So they configured a redirection that when people type –> it would direct them to



    Thanks for the update. I’m not sure if the redirect is the problem or not, could you try removing it temporarily to see if that makes any difference please? Also try changing the site address to

    Best regards,



    Our site has always been that way, so I don’t think that would be the problem. This problem started when our site went down last month.



    Thanks for the update, so what do you think the problem is?

    Best regards,


    ” I’m not sure if the redirect is the problem or not, could you try removing it temporarily to see if that makes any difference please? Also try changing the site address to ”

    Doing this change is not a simple change to us, the CPM site is a massive site and “removing it” will cripple us. We have hundreds of redirects that have /site and as a non-profit this season is very busy and having the website down will be detrimental.

    This “missing icons” only happened a few days after we did the update to the latest version (4.8.8).



    Thanks for the update. If you don’t want to experiment with your live site, then please copy it to a staging site and make the change there. We haven’t had any reports from other users having the same problem on the version you are running, and we can’t reproduce it on test installations either. It is therefor likely that the problem is local to your site.

    Best regards,

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