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  • #1108644


    We are trying to upload custom icons using fontello font but we get an error message:
    “Couldn’t add the font because the server didn’t respond.
    Please reload the page, then try again”

    We have checked with our host, they confirmed that ziparchive extension is active.

    We have deactivated all plugins, still get the same error.

    If we try to upload the fontello font zip to Custom Font Manager, it uploads.


    Hey mightyfrank,
    Thanks for the login, I took a look and your settings seem fine as well as your files.
    I see the error you are getting is “/wp-admin/admin-ajax.php 500 (Internal Server Error)” please ask your webhost to look into this and let us know what is causing the error.

    Best regards,



    This is what they said: 400 bad request


    Hi there, any update?



    Thank you for the update.

    The site is running on an older version of the theme, 4.5.4. Please upgrade to version 4.5.7 before trying the upload again. If it still doesn’t work, do the upload without any activated plugins. Let us know if that makes any difference.

    Best regards,



    We have updated to 4.5.7 and attempted to upload – same error.

    We deactivated all plugins and attempted to upload – same error.



    Thank you for the update.

    We were able to upload 2 set of fonts without encountering any issue. Is this fixed? We tested it on Opera Windows 7. Perhaps using another browser will help.

    Best regards,



    It is still not working on our end, we have tried Opera and Chrome on a Mac computer.

    Can you tried to add any of the fonts that are uploaded on the media library? We just don’t know what else to do.


    Sorry for the late reply, I have tried to import a font from your media library to your Custom Font Manager and this worked well. But I see that you seem to have a mix of fonts and icon fonts in your media library, perhaps you tried to import the wrong one?

    Best regards,



    It should all be the same icon font – we just kept uploading the file over and over because it won’t work. – We have removed all duplicates and tried to re-upload.

    It is still not working for us, can you please please import the icon font that we just uploaded to media library and leave it so we can see that it works?


    Your icon font fontello-7b142a38 is already installed:
    But I could removed it and reinstalled it.
    Your other fontello-64e06485 is giving this error:

    admin-ajax.php Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 500 (Internal Server Error)

    Please ask your webhost if the server log shows an error for this.

    Best regards,

    This reply has been marked as private.

    I tested your icon zip file on my localhost but it still gave the same error, I tried to create a new file for you but I couldn’t find the same icons on fontello.
    I assume that you simply choose them and downloaded the zip file, I choose 6 new icons and uploaded them with no issues, please check. Were these icons from their stock choices?
    Please try re-creating your file and upload again.

    Best regards,


    Hi there,
    I am having the same problem, when I try to upload a custom font, it says “Couldn’t add the font because the server didn’t respond.
    Please reload the page, then try again”. I just checked and the site is on theme version 4.5.7. Any suggestions?
    Thank you! Jinha



    Thank you for the login, I see that your webhost has the “PHP ZipArchive Extension” disabled, please ask to have it enabled, it is needed to extract the zip file that you upload.

    Best regards,

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