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  • #258202

    Hi there
    Enfold is just great! thank you guys for this cool Theme!
    Still a problem I have with iconfont manager… I can upload my new set but after that, I can’t see it anywhere! (I see that the iconmanager uploaded it, but after saving the changes, it desapears (i just have the default iconset).

    Thanx for supporting me!
    Regars, Eric


    Hi Eric!

    Can you share that iconset? i’d like to try it on my install.


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    Unfortunately it seems to work on my end without issue:

    When you installed your WordPress theme did you install it via a zip file or FTP? Perhaps the unzipping on your server isn’t working or something like that.

    Best regards,


    Hi Devin
    Thanx for your answer!
    Well, I installed the whole thing via Zip-File. Also all the extensions or plugins are working well via an installation inside WP.
    Hmmm… So I will try to check out what else could be the problem. If I find some dependencies, I’ll post it here for others who maybe have the same issues.




    Thank you for the update.

    Please let us know if you found anything and if possible share it here. I’ll mark this thread for Kriesi’s attention.


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