Tagged: iPad
Hi there,
I have a small issue with my 4 iconboxes on the frontpage – they come out kind of bad on tablets (Ipad horizontal)
Is there a whay to fix it?
Hey Jonas!
You have an empty paragraph element after the first column which is causing it to look weird.
Try deleting the iconbox content and add it back in. If your typing out code then make sure you close each tag you use.
I couldn’t figure out which version of Enfold your using. Be sure that your using the latest version, 3.4.6, and deactivate all plugins while testing.
Thanks I will try it out.
The element is the divider used as spacer, everything is updated.
If I have to delete the divider, how do I get them same size? (horizontal)
It’s looking good on my end so I’m guessing you got it figured out?
Thanks, I figured it out.