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  • #1183714

    Hi there!

    I downloaded an icon set from FlatIcon. When I uploaded it, I got an error: Upload Error

    I talked to the hosting company and the guy got this error: Server Error

    Not excited about the PHP Fatal Error. In researching here in the forums, I saw that only moncolored fonts will work. That’s a bummer because now my client is excited about the font they chose! LOL Anyway, maybe the error message could be made a little more clear? That would have saved me a ton of time. Thanks!

    Also, can you recommend any other sites where I could find icon sets? FlatIcon doesn’t have monocolor of what I need and the Fontello site is not secure, so I’m not thrilled with downloading from it.


    Hey traypup,
    Sorry for the late reply, I normally use fontello and it will convert your svg into fonts, I see that FlatIcon has the “collection” area if you sign up with them, perhaps this is the same function. You could also try IcoMoon

    Best regards,


    Ooops! Sorry for the late response. I will give that a shot! Thank you!

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 10 months ago by traypup.

    Glad to hear, please let us know if this helps.

    Best regards,

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