I’m trying to set the icon list title in h3 tags, but when I do that, the title it’s no more aligned with the icon.
In the image you can see the first item with the title between h3 tag, while the other items have no h3 tag.
I would like the font as the first item, but correctly aligned like the ones following. Thank you.
Hey davideroppo,
Could you post a link to where we can see the element in question please?
Best regards,
and how did you accomplish this?
i asked because i have made an edited alb element with that option on choice: https://webers-testseite.de/edited-enfold-alb-elements/#icons
or is it the small minimal list ( in that case these headings goes to simple divs and <header> )
on my edited iconlist.php you only had to change some line .
the thing there is that i added an array for heading tag with the id custom_title_tag
so we had to substitute now the newly added custom_title_tag to that title_el for small lists – these were the original lines
$title_el = "div";
$iconlist_title = "_" . "small";
or download that from pastebin: https://pastebin.com/dl/weSCSutg
rename it to original iconlist.php and follow these instructions: https://webers-testseite.de/edited-enfold-alb-elements/
on that iconlist your choise comes to small-list too and because of class small resists, the top-margin of heading is not there – see here:
Hi Rikard, the site is still under construction, the link is in private content.
Thank you