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  • #1235473

    I have created an icon list on the front page of and something odd has happened to the last entry.

    The problem is in the section “DO YOU WANT THE BEST RESULTS FOR YOUR PUPILS?”

    The other 5 entries are simply headings/titles with no content text and they appear fine. The last entry does not display the title but, when I added random content text, that appears. Could you tell me why this is happening, please? I need the title there, but am not worried about the content text

    I have created a log-in for you (see private)


    Hey nestormakhno,

    It’s working now. Please check.

    Best regards,


    Thank you Victoria – out of interest, what did you do?


    Hi nestormakhno,

    The apostrophe that was used was breaking things. I changed it to the normal ‘ .

    Best regards,


    Ah…. D’Oh!

    Thanks, Victoria :)



    I’m glad this was resolved for you. If you need additional help, please let us know here in the forums.

    Best regards,
    Jordan Shannon

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