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  • #1088406


    I recently updated to from Enfold 4.5.2 to Enfold 4.5.5, after doing so the Icon List content element only displays the correct custom colours for the first instance on a page, all subsequent icon lists on the page revert to the default colours.

    On inspecting the element it looks as though the style element is not being rendered correctly, inspector (in Chrome) displays:
    <div style=” style=” background-color:#0668b3;=”” color:#ffffff;=”” ‘background-color:#0668b3;=”” ‘=”” class=”iconlist_icon avia-font-entypo-fontello”>

    Note the beginning style=” style=” which seems to break the style and following classes.

    I have cleared browser cache, cleared site cache (WP Super Cache) and deleted old JS/CSS via the Enfold settings, and the bug persists. This happens on existing and new pages, the bug is also present on both our environments, Development and Live (if only I had of spotted it on Dev before I did the update on Live). The theme update was done by deactivating the theme, deleting and then uploading the new theme package downloaded from Envato Market, activating and then reactivating the child theme.

    URLs of where this can be seen below:



    I am also having this problem



    Please try the solution posted on this thread:
    Hope it helps.

    Best regards,


    That fixed it, Thanks


    Hi pythagoras_microsoft,

    Glad that we could help :)
    Thanks for using Enfold and have a great day!

    Best regards,

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