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  • #590002


    I’m trying to insert an Icon with inline style and Caption. There is 2 problems.
    1. Caption doesn’t show when i choose default inline style
    2. When i choose Stand Alone with Border and optional caption is shows the caption but the circle stays too big, if i chose icone size 24 px the circle doesnt adapt to the icone size. and to show capltion below icon if i choose default style.
    Please how can i sort this.

    Also its the same issue with icon list j need to have smaller border radius according to the icon choosen size.

    Thank you


    Hi hdpcr,

    Could you provide us with a link to the site in question so that we can take a closer look please?

    Best regards,


    Also i need to have diferent caption text size in diferente page if possible and how to put one icon next to the other like it was a text and please check on the size ot the tooltip background as its large even if the tooltip text is short.

    Thank you very much



    We are working on your ticket please wait while we update the results here soon.

    Please check the link in private content

    1. We added the below custom css in quick css

    /* Adapt icon border */
    .adapt-icon-border span{
        padding: 20px!important; 
    /* Remove icon border  */
    .remove-icon-border span{
        border-style: none!important;

    2. Enabled custom class name support

    add class “remove-icon-borde” to show captions without the round border it will look like inline icons
    add class “adapt-icon-border” and adjust the padding in css to shrink the border around the icons.

    You can still use the default inline icons and icons with round border :)

    Vinay Kashyap

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 12 months ago by Vinay.

    Thank you for your help, its workng now, I just need now to control the size of the text caption bellow the icon it seems it has fixed size despiste icon size. And i noticed in the tooltip text backgrounf (the black) it has the same whith no mather if its just a word or more text, can i control that ??

    Thank you



    Any update?

    Thank you



    Please add following code to Quick CSS as well

    .remove-icon-border .av_icon_caption, .adapt-icon-border .av_icon_caption { font-size: 20px !important; }

    Can you please elaborate on “tooltip text background” changes you would like to make? A screenshot would help :)


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