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  • #932989


    I had a copy of 4.2.4 and updated it to 4.2.6 to find some issues;

    The first issue is that icon boxes seem to vanish from the builder, I can’t see anything in the changelog about it.
    The secound issue is that buttons don’t seem to work on the promo boxes either.

    I’ve copied back in the 4.2.4 folder and the icon boxes now work again but the button still doesn’t.
    Promobox can be found on the homepage.

    Any idea whats wrong please?


    Hey infosws,

    If you recently updated enfold theme to 4.2.6 and get an HTTP 500 error here is what you should do to resolve this issue:

    1. Deactivate all plugins.

    2. Update the PHP version being used by your hosting server to PHP 7 by getting in touch with your hosting company.

    Access your site with FTP or log in to your control panel and access the site via File Manager and perform the below steps:

    3. Replace the header.php file in wp-content/themes/enfold folder with an updated version of the header.php file.

    4. Access your WordPress site root folder and rename the current .htaccess file to .htaccess.bak. Login to WordPress admin area go to settings > permalinks > select “Post name” and save changes.

    5. Define a higher memory limit in WordPress and if possible increasing the memory on the hosting server.

    To increase the WordPress memory limit please access wp-config.php file and add the below line

    define('WP_MEMORY_LIMIT', '256M');

    For a detailed explanation please check this link
    and you can contact your service provider to increase the memory limit.

    If none of the above works for you please go ahead and delete the “enfold” folder in wp-content/themes/ and upload a fresh copy of the “enfold” theme files.

    Best regards,


    Hi Vinay,

    I don’t mean to be rude but have you even read what I’ve said?

    I didn’t mention about any http 500 error and some of the suggestions you are making for a live website is far from ideal.
    Lets run through these:

    1. Deactivate all plugins.

    This website has a full membership system, I can’t just do this on the live website. No plugins have changed either so it seems very unlikely this is the case.
    I will make a copy of the website today and attempt this as i’ve not yet.

    2. Update the PHP version being used by your hosting server to PHP 7 by getting in touch with your hosting company.

    It would of been helpful if i included this but the website is already on PHP 7, WordPress actually reccommends PHP 7.2 now:
    Looking at the problem I have, its extremely unlikely it will be this causing it, I have full control of the hosting (On a vps).

    Access your site with FTP or log in to your control panel and access the site via File Manager and perform the below steps:

    3. Replace the header.php file in wp-content/themes/enfold folder with an updated version of the header.php file.

    I am very suprised your asking me to do this, if Enfold has an issue with thier latest update, why isn’t it being released ?
    Its never really reccommended to edit parent theme files so really shouldn’t you be telling me to override it in the child theme?

    4. Access your WordPress site root folder and rename the current .htaccess file to .htaccess.bak. Login to WordPress admin area go to settings > permalinks > select “Post name” and save changes.

    This is really unhelpful in my case and well, for some users “post name” might be completely wrong and not what they have set already.
    If “post name” is not already set ( In my case its not) then selecting this will change the urls on the website.

    Just re-saving them is enough to re-generate the links and the .htaccess code WordPress adds.

    5. Define a higher memory limit in WordPress and if possible increasing the memory on the hosting server.

    Our limit is 4x what you specified and wouldn’t cause my issue.

    Now i’ve looked at this a bit more, I have actually found something else wrong with the website.
    I’ll go over them again:

    The first issue – updating to 4.2.6

    When I did this, I some features have dissapeered from the the Avia builder (Namely the icon box I saw).
    This broke the display of the website (as in the website loaded fine, specific elements on the page stopped working and instead showed the shortcode code), so I copied back a version of 4.2.4 (Via ftp) which is what it was before, the icon box in the editor returned, it was working on the front end.

    The secound issue/s – With 4.2.4

    After rolling back and checking this out again, i’ve found more problems.

    The first thing I see on this version is 6 content elements missing from the builder, this is comparing other Enfold websites (Running 4.2.6) we have vs to this one (Running 4.2.4)

    The next thing I notice is that the button on the promo element doesn’t work, I don’t know when this started.

    I hope this is clear with the issues I am having, once I have copied the website over to a new location i’ll let you know how the plugins test goes.
    If you need more information on the steps i’ve taken then please let me know.


    • This reply was modified 6 years, 11 months ago by infosws. Reason: Easier to read

    how did you update Enfold from 4.2.4 to 4.2.6 ?
    that is only speculative now.
    i ask because all your troubles seems to concern to those alb elements which are now in a subfolder of config-templatebuilder/avia-shortcodes/

    so if you updated via ftp by overwriting files without erasing the whole enfold folder – there are than two f.e. buttons.php (icons, iconboxes, icon-lists etc.)
    maybe this generates a conflict.


    Hi Guenni,

    Initially I done the update via ManageWP, it seemed successful until I checked it and seen these items not working.
    When I noticed this, I got a clean copy of the theme and overwrote the folder, this didn’t solve it.

    I then downloaded the 4.2.4 version from one of my backups, uploaded the folder with a different name ( IE enfoldold ).
    When it uploaded, I renamed the enfold folder to be enfoldnew and renamed enfoldold to be enfold.

    Hope that makes some sense, I also assume in doing this has messed something up as its now not reporting the 4.2.6 update anymore.
    I’m currently setting up a clone now to investigate this alittle further as somethings just not right here.

    Once the clone is up and running, how do you suggest I try and update this?
    Upload a clean copy of the theme?



    I rarely update live customer sites via WordPress update/dashboard. Only on my little testpages i do this way.
    On default i do it like you said.
    I have a child-theme allways.
    i rename the enfold-folder to enfold-old.
    upload the new enfold folder via ftp.
    Look if i have troubles. – if so i can rollback as you mentioned it by erasing enfold and rename the enfold-old to enfold.
    That is a vers secure way to be curious about new updates.
    All those “urgent-help-me” topics here on board could be solved by this.


    by the way :

    clean copy of the theme and overwrote the folder

    this could be a problem – because on the mentioned above.
    Sometimes developers had to change some names or hierachircal structures to take WordPress Updates into account.
    This could cause in the best case only some dead files.
    Don’t know why these subfolders are now on shortcodes but – there must be a good reason on it.
    If you will overwrite the folder via ftp the f.e. buttons.php will remain in shortcodes folder and the new subfolder buttons will come additionally to it.
    Don’t know if this could cause problems – but it might be.


    see here again
    Again those shortcodes messed up which are in subfolders now ! hr, buttons, icons (table, numbers, portfolio …)



    Yes, @guenni007 is probably correct. The duplicates of the shortcode files are causing the issue. Please delete the whole config-templatebuilder > aviashortcodes directory. Replace it with the folder from the latest version, 4.2.6. After that, resave the theme options to regenerate the scripts and stylesheets.

    Best regards,


    Hi both,

    I have literally tried a range of things and well, this is really an annoying issue.

    , I just tried that and got a white screen of death, I can’t see how thats the issue though as I have uploaded a completely clean copy of enfold several times with no joy.

    I did copy the website over to another location to play around with it, turning off all plugins, deleting and uploading the theme, it works fine there.

    I tried the same on the live copy and it didn’t work. I don’t get it at all.
    I am going to try and move the website to a new server and see if we get better luck with this.

    Will let you know when i’ve managed it.




    Thank you for the update. Please provide the WP and FTP login details in the private field and we’ll try to find the issue.

    Best regards,


    Hi Ismael,

    We’re still in the process of moving the live site over at the moment, I think it **Might** sort itself out. I did a test run with another server last week and turning everything off and on again somehow sorted the problem there.

    I did try this same process on the live site, took it offline for about 15 mins and it wasn’t having any of it.

    Once we got it moved i’ll let you know the outcome either way, I want to re-install WordPress and make some other adjustments while i have time, this is a really old installation.




    Thanks for the feedback. We’ll keep the thread open in case you should need any further help.

    Best regards,


    Hi All,

    Problem has now been worked out and solved, it basically boiled down to the fact the transfer of the files didn’t complete correctly.
    This created havoc everywhere and also completely disabled the membership systems protected pages which was terrible.

    I have never had an issue quite like this but it will be certain to add this to the troubleshooting list.




    Great, glad you got it working and thanks for sharing the cause. Please let us know if you should need any further help on the topic.

    Best regards,

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