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  • #775734

    Dear all,
    How could I change the background color of an icon box?
    It seems like this option is not available by default.

    Thanks in advance,


    Hi Giacomo,

    Please try the following in Quick CSS under Enfold->General Styling:

    .iconbox {
        background: red !important;

    Best regards,


    Yes – but i think originally the iconbox_content is colored by enfold – so :

    .iconbox_content {
        background: red !important;

    it could be so easy :
    click to enlarge

    Download of edited zip with instruction:
    btw. it is with the option to choose the tag type of the heading (h1 – h6)


    Thank you but in this way I color all the icon boxes. I need just some specific icon boxes from a specific page.
    I think I have to use id:

    <class iconbox id=”myId”>…

    .myId {
    background: red !important;

    But I can’t set an id in an icon box


    Sorry, I see right now your zip with some php files.
    What I am supposed to do with them?



    You can do this 2 ways.

    1. As Rikard suggested just add the below code to Enfold > General Styling > Quick CSS

    Feel free to change the color value in the below code.

    .iconbox {
        background: red !important;

    2. You need to modify some files and edit some code please extract the zip folder and check the readme file for instructions.

    Best regards,


    hm – bgiacomo – you have seen my image i posted. this edited iconbox.php has the oportunity to set up by a selector input field the background-color.
    (And by the way another added input field is for choosing the h-tag (h1 to h6)
    but you have to be familiar with custom shortcodes ( but on download there is a little instruction)

    Or do you realy have that “Custom Iconbox Background Color” field too? ;)


    but if you don’t like this – you can give the iconbox itself a custom class ( see here ) f.e: myiconbox

    and than:

    .myiconbox .iconbox_content {
        background-color: #900000 !important;

    Thanks everyone for the support you provided me.
    In the end I used the solution to redefine a custom class and then add the CSS code, it’s easier.
    As you can imagine, I am not familiar with php so creating a child theme and editing function.php file was something not so easy.
    Anyway..thanks again, you can close the ticket

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 11 months ago by bgiacomo.


    Let us if you have some future questions :)

    Best regards,
    John Torvik

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