Tagged: LayerSlider WP
I install a pluggin called USE ANY FONT, in order to change the font of my website.
I can see this new font in all my website except in sliders make with LAYERSLIDER WP pluggin.
My website is: http://fernandoparis.com/
And, for example, in the first slider that appears which say “3 FORMAS DE CONSTRUIR TU CASA
SEGÚN TU FORMA DE SER, ¡ELIGE CUÁL!”. This sentece has HELVETICA and not TITILLIUM WEB, that is the font I applied to all my website.
I hope you can help me, and sorry for my english is very bad
(One question, is it possible to ask support in spanish?)
Sunny regards,
Hey paulacunhapelegrin,
I’m not sure how that plugin works, how is the CSS applied to your site? When I inspect your site it’s displaying a font which is called “Semibold”, which seem strange.
Best regards,
Ok, I want to change the font used in LAYERSLIDE WP pluggin, which comes with this theme.
There are some fonts but I do not want any of them. How can I use the google font that I want?
I have tried different pluggins, but they do not change the font of the sliders make with this pluggin, just the other one.
Have you tried using just quick css and importing the font directly from google? https://stackoverflow.com/questions/14676613/how-to-import-google-web-font-in-css-file
Best regards,
Jordan Shannon