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  • #282615

    Hello Support,

    I purchased the ‘Enfold’ theme a year ago, and my client needs the ability to contact you through the Support Forum, but I don’t want him to access any of my previous communication with you guys. So my question is if it’s possible to reset my account and delete my history topics, so I can transfer him the account with all required changes.

    Looking forward to your reply.
    Thank you,

    • This topic was modified 10 years, 8 months ago by ranfirefly. Reason: I just realized that the client deleted the account I previousely created for you. So there's no user for you to login

    Hey ranfirefly!

    I’m not really sure about that. Kriesi is the only one with access to be able to setup a new account or remove history if you were to hand over the credentials. I’ll ask him to check the topic.

    If its an immediate need the easiest fix would be to purchase a second copy on a newly created client themeforest account and register the client with their own license and accounts. That way they would be able to update the theme, get their own API code+themeforest username to update within WordPress etc.




    Sure, we can do that. Since the purchase code is connected to your account by themeforest I cant really use that at all, therefore you need to post the desired username and email address for the customer here :)

    Best regards,

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    Alright. We’ll wait for it. Make sure that you set it as a private reply.



    Great. Just note that he wont be able to create an account here. desired username and email is sufficient. if the account is created on themeforest first thats fine of course. that way we can be certain that it isnt already taken ;)


    Thanks guys!


    you are welcome ;)

    This reply has been marked as private.

    Hey Ran!

    The account for your customer has been created and password with login and email should be on its way.

    Since you are a long term Envato user who actually replied on my first thread ever on themeforest 6 years ago ( ) I think I’ll just leave your account open ;)
    I trust that if you ever use one of our themes you get the proper license ;) That way you dont need to re-open an account ;)

    Best regards,

    This reply has been marked as private.
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